Saturday, November 7, 2009

Amazon, book reviews and HCRW

It came to my attention that I was reviewing the same books on this blog as I was reviewing on I had hoped to give more coverage to little known books that are worth reading, but amazon gets a lot more readership than my blog does. So in the interest of efficiency, I will only review books occasionally.

There are dozens of books being published that are excellent reads. Heart of Carolina Romance Writers in Raleigh, N.C. is one group with talented writers. The organization, a chapter of Romance Writers of America, promotes its membership and their books. A list of the nearly 50 authors in HCRW is at More information about the authors is available by clicking on their names.

Other information is at the Web site as well. Nonmembers can read about the organization, which meets the second Saturday of each month, usually at Cameron Village Library in Raleigh. Nonmembers can also take online classes HCRW offers.

1 comment:

  1. Great organization. And such a good resource for writers just starting out!
